We enable, empower and support the community by providing safe, inclusive, person centred activities that nurture growth.
Roots To Wellbeing offer opportunities and inclusive activities that support you in your physical wellbeing, mental health, personal empowerment and social inclusion.
We focus on the 5 Ways of Wellbeing as a framework for the activities we offer.
Keep Learning, Be Active, Give, Connect, Take Notice
We have created a wide range of videos to support your wellbeing.
Why is wellbeing important?
Health and Wellbeing is important to enable you to feel well, reduce stress and support yourself day to day. It is important to value your self-care, diet, balance of activities including sleep, rest, work and productivity. Important factors throughout life include learning and experiencing activities, tools, techniques, holistic therapies and opportunities to connect with others and in nature to support you.
We offer accessible information that is spoken (auditory) visual (handouts) and hands on / participation in activities (kinaesthetic learning) to support you to identify your personal wellbeing factors.
“This is the best group we come to. I just love the atmosphere. Its so relaxed and warm. Tara, Donna and the gang are always friendly and supportive. Definitely the most inclusive group with vegan and free-from options.”
- Reach participant
“ Roots to Wellbeing is a charity that takes care of your mind, body, spirit, beautiful connection to nature through walks, crafts, music, bringing community together and creating the better place to enjoy life.”
— Victoria Macer